
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics


Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics 
Technical University of Košice 
Letná 1/9 
042 00 Košice-Sever
Slovak Republic


Accredited Study Programs for the Academic Year 2024/2025

More detailed information about study programs is available in the list of study programs and on the Academic Information System MAIS (including information about recommended study plans, subjects, etc.).

Bachelor StudyForm of StudyLength of StudyLanguage of Study
Applied Electrical EngineeringFT3SK
Automotive ElectronicsFT3SK
Electrical power engineeringFT3SK, EN
Physical Engineering of Advanced MaterialsFT3SK
Business InformaticsFT3SK
InformaticsFT3SK, EN
Intelligent SystemsFT3SK, EN
CybersecurityFT3SK, EN
Computer ModellingFT3SK
Computer networksFT3SK, EN
Industrial Electrical EngineeringFT3SK
Informatics – professional*FT3SK
Master StudyForm of StudyLength of StudyLanguage of Study
Automotive ElectronicsFT2SK
Electrical power engineering FT2SK, EN
Physical Engineering of Advanced MaterialsFT2SK
Business InformaticsFT2SK
InformaticsFT2SK, EN
Intelligent SystemsFT2SK, EN
CybersecurityFT2SK, EN
Computer ModellingFT2SK
Computer networksFT2SK, EN
Industrial Electrical EngineeringFT2SK
Doctoral StudyForm of StudyLength of StudyLanguage of Study
Industrial Electrical EngineeringFT/PT4/5SK, EN
Physical Engineering of Advanced MaterialsFT/PT4/5SK, EN
InformaticsFT/PT4/5SK, EN
Intelligent SystemsFT/PT4/5SK, EN

* Professionally oriented study program in preparation for accreditation (standard study duration – 4 years – full-time, combined method)


FT – Full-time study 
PT – External study ("Study while employed") 
SK – Language of instruction is Slovak 
EN – Language of instruction is English 
SK, EN – Language of instruction is Slovak or English (the study program is taught in either Slovak or English – two separate study programs) 

For external Bachelor's study, a fee of €600 per academic year is charged. For external Master's study, a fee of €700 per academic year is charged.

About the Faculty

The current faculty was established on July 21, 1969, under the name of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at the Technical University in Košice. As of April 15, 1994, the Faculty of Electrical Engineering adopted its new name, the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics of the Technical University of Košice. 

The main mission of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics is to provide higher education based on creative scientific research, particularly in fields such as computer science, cybernetics and artificial intelligence, telecommunications, electronics, electrical engineering, automotive electronics, and electrical energy. These activities are supported by 157 university teachers, including 29 professors, 35 associate professors, 89 assistant professors, and 4 research staff members. To date, the faculty has educated more than 14,000 graduates. The faculty offers departmental scholarships in all of its study programs.

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