
Faculty of Civil Engineering


Faculty of Civil Engineering 
Technical University of Košice
Vysokoškolská 4
042 00 Košice-Sever
Slovak Republic

Accredited study programs for the academic year 2024/2025

More detailed information about the study programs is published in the list of study programs and on the pages of the Academic Information System MAIS (information about recommended study plans, subjects, etc.).

Bachelor StudyForm of StudyLength of StudyLanguage of Study
Structural and Transportation EngineeringFT3SK, EN
Architectural EngineeringFT4SK, EN
Technology and Management in Civil EngineeringFT/PT3SK, EN (PT SK)
Master StudyForm of StudyLength of StudyLanguage of Study
Structural and Transportation EngineeringFT2SK, EN
Architectural EngineeringFT2SK, EN
Technology and Management in Civil EngineeringFT/PT2SK, EN (PT SK)
Doctoral StudyForm of StudyLength of StudyLanguage of Study
Theory of Architectural and Indoor EngineeringFT/PT4/5SK, EN
Theory and Design of Structural EngineeringFT/PT4/5SK, EN
Theory of Technology and Management in Civil EngineeringFT/PT4/5SK, EN


FT – Full-time study 
PT – Part-time study ("Study while working") 
SK – The language in which the study program is taught is Slovak 
EN – The language in which the study program is taught is English 
SK, EN – The language in which the study program is taught is either Slovak or English (the program is taught in Slovak or English – these are two separate study programs) 

The fee for part-time Bachelor's (Bc.) study is €500 per academic year.  The fee for part-time Master's (Ing.) study is €700 per academic year.

About the Faculty

The Faculty of Civil Engineering at the Technical University of Košice was established in 1976. Over its 43 years of operation, more than 8,000 graduates have completed their studies at the faculty, with alumni working in various positions as construction managers, project managers, general directors, successful designers, and scientific-research and educational staff. The faculty offers education at the bachelor's, master's, and doctoral levels in the field of Civil Engineering. 

The main mission of the Faculty of Civil Engineering is to gather, develop, and disseminate knowledge and scientific results, thus contributing to the scientific and technological development of civil engineering in the interest of a sustainable future and quality of life. This mission is fulfilled through professional educational and scientific-research activities carried out in excellence laboratory centers.

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055/602 1111

Rector's Office

055/602 2002

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