Quality indicators
TUKE and its entities monitor and evaluate a set of indicative indicators in the area of:
- Education
- Indicators of entry into education
- Education process indicators
- Admission, progression and completion of studies
- Student-centred learning, teaching and assessment
- Teachers
- Creative activity and habilitation and inauguration procedures
- Learning outcome indicators
- Science and research
- Human Resources
- Management
- Internationalisation
- Infrastructure development
- ICT development
- Cooperation with practice and non-academic sphere
TUKE uses the indicators in the preparation of the following reports:
a) Annual report on the activities of the Technical University of Košice;
b) Evaluation of the level of the Technical University of Košice in educational activities;
c) Report on the evaluation of the performance of the quality management system at TUKE;
d) Internal evaluation report of TUKE.