
Division of International Relations and Mobility

The Division of International Relations and Mobility plays a crucial role in driving the university's internationalization agenda, fostering global partnerships, and enhancing opportunities that empower the TUKE community to navigate and succeed in diverse international settings. It actively seeks out opportunities to enhance the international dimension of the TUKE academic and administrative practices through strategic partnerships and collaborative projects advancing the university’s internationalization goals, supporting both academic and cultural exchange, and broadening opportunities for collaboration worldwide. 

As part of its commitment to fostering international collaboration, the division is dedicated to boosting the mobility of students and staff through the Erasmus+ program, creating enriching exchange opportunities that promote intercultural understanding and professional growth.  

Additionally, the Division of International Relations and Mobility manages the Ulysseus European University Project—a pioneering initiative involving a network of European universities. 

The Division of International Relations and Mobility is managed by the Vice-Rector for International Relations and Mobility. 

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prof. Ing. Ján Piteľ, PhD.

Vice-Rector for International Relations and Mobilities

Under the leadership of the Vice-Rector for International Relations and Mobility, the following positions form the core of the Division: 

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Letná 1/9, 042 00 Košice-Sever, Slovak Republic

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055/602 1111

Rector's Office

055/602 2002

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