Internal System of Report Processing
The Rector of the Technical University of Košice in accordance with the provisions of §10 of Act No. 54/2019 Coll. on the Protection of Whistleblowers on Anti-Social Activities and on Amendments and Supplements to Certain Acts, has designated the person in charge who shall perform the tasks of the employer – the Technical University of Košice – pursuant to Sec. 10 (5) to (8) and 11 (1) of the Act.
Person in charge

JUDr. Lukáš Meždej
Chief Compliance Officer of TUKE
Adresa: Rektorát Technickej univerzity v Košiciach, Letná 9, 042 00 Košice
Telefón: 055/602 2100
Methods of reporting
in writing
orally on the record
by e-mail to:
A detailed description of the method, conditions and procedure for submitting, verifying, processing and recording reports related to the reporting of anti-social activities pursuant to Act No. 54/2019 Coll. on the Protection of Whistleblowers of Anti-Social Activities and on Amendments and Supplements to Certain Acts at the Technical University of Košice is contained in the internal regulation P/TUKE/OPČ/24 "Reporting of Anti-Social Activities at the Technical University of Košice" (in Slovak).