Centre of Advanced Visualisation

In 2015, a scientific research institute called “Centre of Advanced Visualisation” (CPV) was established as a part of the Technical University of Košice. The purpose of the center is primarily scientific research, methodological, educational and consulting activities in the field of new reading and sorting of information and data.
Main areas of CPV competence
new communication tools and channels for education, arts and culture, promotion of science,
environment of virtual and augmented reality, generative architecture and design, media art,
visualisation of the results of scientific research and production processes.
CPV activities
The work previously carried out by CPV was focused mainly on the preparation and implementation of projects in coordination and cooperation with the activities of the Faculty of Arts TUKE, which supported the strategy of creative industry development in the region. Through the GPV guarantor – the Faculty of Arts TUKE, CPV also ensures a direct involvement of TUKE in a successful Košice project called UNESCO Creative City of Media Arts in 2017 and its implementation in the near future.
Form of activity
By carrying out projects and addressing commercial orders within the scope of activities of the CPV TUKE.
Organisational structure
Guarantor: Faculty of Arts, TUKE
Director: doc. Ing. Ján Kanócz, CSc., Faculty of Arts TUKE, responsible for managing
Board of CPV – members:
doc. Ing. arch. Juraj Koban, the Faculty of Arts
Ing. arch. Michal Hladký, Director of Creative Industry Košice (CIKE)
Representatives of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (FEI), the Faculty of Mining, Ecology, Process Control and Geotechnologies (FBERG), the Faculty of Economics (EkF)
Project coordination: Mgr. art. Ing. Richard Kitta, ArtD.
doc. Ing. Ján Kanócz, CSc.