Accommodation and catering
TUKE has the largest student accommodation capacities in Eastern Slovakia.
For more information about student accommodation at TUKE, click here:
TUKE also offers a wide range of internal dining facilities in Košice and Prešov.
Registration for meals is required only at selected locations (Canteen at Němcovej 1, Canteen at Jedlíkova 7, Bistro Urbánkova).
At most of the dining facilities at TUKE (Canteen at Němcovej 1, Canteen at Jedlíkova 7, Canteen at Budovateľská 31 in Prešov, Bistro Urbánkova 2, Bistro ZP, Libresso - Němcovej 7, Bistro Letná 9, Pizza Forte Jedlíkova 7, Coffee TUKE), registration is not required.
For more information about dining, click here: