
10 reasons to study at TUKE


  • is the 2nd largest university in Slovakia, with more than 12,000 students. 
  • is a member of the European University Ulysseus, which has 8 members and collectively over 225,000 students. 
  • is the largest technically-oriented university in Slovakia. 
  • offers education not only in technical fields but also in economics and the arts. 
  • has 9 fascinating faculties and 327 study programs. 
  • provides the largest student accommodation capacities in Eastern Slovakia. 
  • will feature the largest and most modern 5G campus network in Slovakia on its campus. 
  • embraces the STEAM education concept, consisting of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics. 
  • is closely connected to practical experience throughout the entire course of study. 
  • is a modern educational and research institution with an international character. 
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