
Support centre for TUKE students

The TUKE Support Centre provides various services to support students, including:

  • Socio-psychological support 
  • Creating accessible academic environments for students with specific needs without reducing academic performance requirements 
  • Career counseling 
  • Legal counseling 
  • Job advice 
  • Community counseling 
  • Language education assistance for international students 
  • Mentoring

For any inquiries, please contact us via email at: rastislav.rucinsky@tuke.sk

The Student Support Centre of the Technical University of Košice (CP TUKE) is a workplace with university-wide jurisdiction, under the jurisdiction of the Vice-Rector for Education, which performs advisory, consulting, organizational, coordination, training, educational and outreach activities, primarily within the applicant-student-graduate processes.

Target group of the CP TUKE: 

  • Applicants for study. 
  • All students of TUKE. 
  • University teachers and non-pedagogical workers in connection with the development of an inclusive academic environment and the fulfillment of the mission of supporting students. 

Counseling is primarily provided for the purpose of improving the mental health of students and their motivation to study, assistance with problems that could jeopardize the proper completion of studies, and assistance in finding a job in the labor market. 

In accordance with Section 100 and Section 100a of Act No. 131/2002 Coll., it creates a generally accessible academic environment by also creating appropriate study conditions for students with specific needs without reducing the requirements for their academic performance, and provides its students with free counselling. The consortium of higher education institutions also provides free counselling to students of higher education institutions that are members of the consortium of higher education institutions.

CP TUKE fulfills its mission within the framework of the following activities: 

  •  Information and consulting support departments; 
  •  Socio-psychological support departments; 
  •  Career counseling departments; 
  •  Barrier-free center (BBC TUKE); 
  •  Faculty counseling actors; 
  •  Other internal counseling actors; 
  •  External counseling actors. 

The Information and Consultation Support Centre

The Information and Consultation Support Centre provides information to prospective students, assists students in adapting to university life, offers consultations and awareness regarding university education, and provides information support for international students at TUKE, including through the TUKE e-shop.

The Social-Psychological Support Centre

The Social-Psychological Support Centre provides psychological and social counseling, particularly for students facing adverse psychosocial situations due to social exclusion risks (e.g., discrimination based on gender, ethnicity, age, or other forms of diversity). This service includes educational activities aimed at addressing such challenges.

The Career Counseling Office

The Career Counseling Office, in collaboration with faculty career advisors, assists students in identifying career goals based on their individual skills and interests. It supports the transition to the job market, including entrepreneurial ideas and practical experience, and promotes the development of opportunities and talents at the university-wide level.

The Access Centre

The Access Centre at TUKE provides university-wide informational and counseling services, coordination, and administration of support services. It also offers methodological assistance, support, and the implementation of educational courses to address the specific study needs of students with disabilities.

The faculty counseling actors

The faculty counseling actors include: vice-deans, the study department (office), faculty coordinators for students with specific needs, academic and career counselors, teachers, and faculty ambassadors for Ulysseus European University.

Other internal counseling actors

Other internal counseling actors include: student organizations, student representatives in university and external bodies, the student community, volunteers, peer support participants (such as Buddy programs), and information distributors among students.

External counseling actors

External counseling actors include: cooperating companies, employer unions and associations, scientific institutions, organizations providing internships or practice in companies, the TUKE alumni community, and international student organizations/associations.

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