Regulations of the Inaugural and Habilitation Procedures
Habilitation procedure and procedure for the appointment of professors
- Valid minimum criteria approved by TUKE Academic Council on 14.5.2021, valid from 1.9.2021
- Criteria valid to 31.8.2021
- Ongoing and completed habilitation and inaugural procedures
- Prebiehajúce a ukončené habilitačné a inauguračné konania
- Decree on the procedure for obtaining scientific-pedagogical degrees or artistic-pedagogical degrees of associate professor and professor
- Appointed professors at TUKE since 2007
- List of associate professor titles awarded by TUKE from 2011
Instructions for Dissertation Thesis Defense and Associate Professor Habilitation
- Methodological guidance on the requisites of final works, their bibliographic registration, originality check, storage and accessibility and the procedure for registration of dissertations.
- General user manual for using the local storage.
- Templates for writing the final and habilitation work.
- Explanation of the template and structure of the dissertation and habilitation thesis.
- Examples of bibliographic references according to ISO 690 and ISO 690-2
- Author's summary – template.
- General procedure for assigning, submitting and defending of the final work.
- Decree on the procedure for obtaining scientific-pedagogical degrees or artistic-pedagogical degrees of associate professor and professorr.