

General Assembly of the CNIC


On June 1, 2022, a meeting of the General Assembly of the Association of Košice Cluster of New Industry – Cassovia New Industry Cluster (CNIC) took place in the historical auditorium of the UPJŠ Rectorate in Košice. (show more)

Award for technology transfer in Slovakia 2021


The competition is intended for innovations, technical solutions, and their originators, as well as acts with a beneficial impact in the field of technology transfer in Slovakia, originating exclusively from Slovak public universities, the Slovak Academy of Sciences and departmental research institutes. (show more)

Cooperation with Taiwanese Academic Partners


On the basis of a series of negotiations between the TUKE International Branch Campus (TUKE IBC) and Taiwanese academic partners, which have been taking place since August last year, two Memoranda on Cooperation were signed between Technical University of Košice and Thungai University in Taichung ( and Chung Yuan Christian University in Taoyuan ( (show more)

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