The East Slovak Space Cluster
Technical University in Košice is a part of the newly created East Slovak Space Cluster. A memorandum on creation of the East Slovak Space Cluster was signed by the Rector, prof. Ing. Peter Mésároš, PhD. on 18.9.2023 in the premises of UVP TECHNICOM on the grounds of the Technical University of Košice (TUKE).
The aim of the established cluster is to connect the stakeholders carrying out research and development, commercial or promotional activities in the field of space technologies and to create a supportive ecosystem for the formation of new innovative start‑ups bringing new products and services using space technologies.
“The involvement of TUKE students as well as UPJŠ students can be realized through the direct connection of teaching through various internships in the partner institutions, through assignment of research topics and research projects already at the current stage of their studies. Thus, we are creating a great potential for building of talents in the east of Slovakia not only for the regional development but also for the development of the world specifically in the field of space research,” said the Rector of TUKE Peter Mésároš.
The East Slovak Space Cluster, which will be located in UVP TECHNICOM, will connect experts from the academic, research and commercial spheres. Not only was The Memorandum signed by TUKE but also by the representatives of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University (UPJŠ), Slovak Investment and Trade Development Agency (SARIO), the Institute of Experimental Physics of the Slovak Academy of Sciences (ÚEF SAV) and Deutche Telekom IT Solutions Slovakia (DT ITSO SK).