The Technologist of the Year of the SR is from TUKE

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The Technologist of the Year of the SR is from TUKE

University Highlights

This year, The Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information (SCSTI), the Slovak Academy of Sciences (SAS) and The Association of the Slovak Scientific and Technological Societies (ASSTS) announced the 23 annual of the Scientist of the Year of the SR 2019 award - awards for prominent Slovak scientists, technologists and young researchers from all fields of science and technology.

The objective of the Scientist of the Year of the SR event is to professionally and socially highlight the most significant personalities of scientific sphere, as well as the best results achieved in science and research in Slovakia. The event was held under the auspices of Ms Zuzana Čaputová, the President of the Slovak Republic. The award ceremony was held on 16 June 2020 in the Moyzesova sieň /Moyzes Hall/ of the Faculty of Arts of the Comenius University in Bratislava.

The award ceremony was attended by Mr Branislav Gröhling, the Minister of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the SR, Mr Ľudovít Paulis, the State Secretary of the ME, and the representatives of the event - prof. Ján Kyselovič from SCSTI, prof. Pavol Šajgalík from SAS, prof. Dušan Petráš from ASSTS. Other representatives of prominent scientific research institutions also took part in the event.

The winner of the Technologist of the Year Award is:

prof. Ing. Emil Spišák, CSc.

from the Institute of Technologies and Material Engineering TUKE, awarded for the design and implementation of the Prototyping and Innovation Centre of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering TUKE, as a technological basis for the implementation of the results of scientific research activities of employees and students of the Technical University of Košice and their transfer to the industrial facilities of Slovakia.

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