Extended Registration Deadline for the 8th Edition of the L'Oréal – UNESCO Women in Science Programme

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Extended Registration Deadline for the 8th Edition of the L'Oréal – UNESCO Women in Science Programme


Ladies and Gentlemen,

we would like to inform you of the extended registration deadline for the 8th edition of the L'Oréal – UNESCO For Women in Science programme. Female applicants can register their scientific projects on the website www.prezenyvovede.sk until March 15, 2024.

In the current edition of the competition, the winners will receive €21,000 to be shared between three female scientists under 40 years of age (inclusive). Prizes will be awarded to the most successful projects in the following categories: formal sciences (mathematics, statistics, informatics); life sciences, including environmental sciences (medicine, biochemistry, etc.); and physical and engineering sciences (physics, astronomy, civil engineering, mechanical engineering).

We would be pleased to hear from you (if you qualify), or to pass on information about open registration to your female employees, colleagues and friends who might be interested in taking part in the competition.


Thank you and best regards,

Ľubomír BILSKÝ
Executive Director
tel.: +421 918 976 301 / e-mail: bilsky@sovva.sk
Slovak organization for R&D activities
Špitálska 10, 811 08 Bratislava
www.sovva.sk | www.nocvyskumnikov.sk

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