A patent from TUKE won the prestigious Ján Bahýľ Award 2020

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A patent from TUKE won the prestigious Ján Bahýľ Award 2020


The Industrial Property Office of the Slovak Republic awarded the Technical University of Košice with the Ján Bahýľ Award for patent no. 288407: Method of disposal of cyanobacteria in still waters and equipment for its implementation. Authors of the patent are prof. Ing. Dušan Šebo, PhD., Dr. h. c. mult. prof. Ing. Miroslav Badida, PhD., doc. Ing. Juraj Šebo, PhD.n and Ing. Monika Fedorčáková, PhD. From the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering TUKE.

Since 1999, the Industrial Property Office of the Slovak Republic has been awarding the Ján Bahýľ Award to Slovak originators and owners of patents, utility models and designs for their exceptional technical or design solutions in order to raise creativity in Slovakia.

In the 8th year of the Ján Bahýľ Award, the award was given in two categories:

  • individual applicants, small businesses and micro-businesses with up to 49 employees
  • universities and research centres

The method and equipment for the disposal of cyanobacteria in still waters can be advantageously used for the disposal of cyanobacteria in still waters, which are intended for drinking water supply, or for bathing, fish farming, and where i tis necessary to ensure the quality of microlife in water and reduce the degree of water eutrophication.

Congratulations to the authors listed for winning the prestigious Ján Bahýľ Award 2020.

More information can be found on the webpage of Industrial Property Office of the SR: https://www.indprop.gov.sk/


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