SSO SP Data Protection

Name of the service

Technical University of Košice Ulysseus Test Service

Description of the service

This is a Ulysseus Digital Platform Test Service Provider supported by the Technical University of Košice. A set of services is offered in the scope of Ulysseus European University. The Ulysseus Alliance is made up of six diverse Universities: University of Seville (USE), Université Côte d’Azur (UCA), University of Genoa (UniGe), Technical University of Kosice (TUKE), MCI | The Entrepreneurial School® (MCI), and Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences.

Data controller and a contact person


Technická univerzita v Košiciach
Letná 9
042 00 Košice
Slovenská republika

Service contact:

Data protection officer contact:


SK Slovakia

Personal data processed

Transfer of personal data

Personal data is transferred from the identity issuer (your home organization) to the service to ensure that the service knows who you are and what are your permissions.

When logging in, the following personal data is requested from your home organization (the identity provider you use):

Personal data Purpose Technical representation
Unique identifiers To identify you as a user of the service so that you have access according to the rights you have been granted. eduPersonPrincipalName

SAML subject-id
Role in organization To identify your affiliation (role) and employment status in your organization. eduPersonAffiliation

Name To identify yourself to other users in the services. givenName

sn (surname)
Email address Used to be able to contact you mail
Home organization name To identify yourself to other users o (organizationName)

In addition to direct personal data, indirect personal data is also transferred, such as which organization the user belongs to and which identity issuer has been used when logging in. In combination with the above personal data, these can be used to uniquely identify a person.

Purpose of the processing of personal data

As a university, Technical university of Košice as member of Ulysseus collects and manipulates personal information about users (Students, Teachers, Researchers, etc.) for the sole purpose of operating as university.

Third parties to whom personal data is disclosed

Personal information may be shared within the members of the Ulysseus European University for the sole purpose of operating as an alliance, for instance: collaboration, teaching, research and mobility purposes.

How to access, rectify and delete the personal data

Contact the contact person mentioned above.

Data retention

User account and associated personal data retention period is detailed within the data protection declaration of the Technical University of Košice (

The log files with the IP address you used for access and one of the electronic identifiers that may have been transferred (see above) are stored as long as this is technically necessary for secure operation, but deleted or anonymized after 4 weeks at the latest.

Code of Conduct

Your data will be processed in accordance with the:

TUKE Data Protection Code of Conduct for Service Providers (

GÉANT Data Protection Code of Conduct for Service Providers (, a common standard in the field of higher education and research.

Data protection

Otherwise, the data protection declaration of the Technical University of Košice ( applies.