Days of Ukraine in Košice
2018On April 25, 2018 in the premises of the Technical University of Košice, representatives of the universities of Kiev and the surrounding towns were welcomed by the Rector, prof. Stanislav Kmeť, CSc. (show more)
On April 25, 2018 in the premises of the Technical University of Košice, representatives of the universities of Kiev and the surrounding towns were welcomed by the Rector, prof. Stanislav Kmeť, CSc. (show more)
For the first time this year, on April 12, 2018, the fair took place in Košice and it was hosted by the Technical University of Košice. (show more)
Demonstration of opportunities and benefits of studying and finding a job in the field of natural sciences, computer science, mathematics and engineering. (show more)
The thirteenth year of the “Career Days at the Technical University of Košice” was organized under the auspices of the university in cooperation with the Student Information and Counselling Centre iCUBE TUKE. CNL laboratory took care of the online transmission of running presentations and their recording for the future generations. (show more)
On February 15, 2018 at the Technical University of Košice, we welcomed a visit from Ukraine. On this occasion, seven memorandums of education cooperation with institutions of secondary and lower tertiary education were signed. (show more)
A country of a thousand faces, forms and scents. On Tuesday, February 13, 2018, in the premises of the University Library of TUKE, you could explore India, one of the largest, most populous and most distinctive countries in the world. Event guides were those most competent – students from India, who constitute the second largest group of foreign students at our university. (show more)
The Technical University of Košice (TUKE) in cooperation with its partners: the Slovak Business agency (SBA) and company SAAB AB, organised evaluation of the start-ups, which are ending their activities in the Start-up Centre of TUKE within the half-year acceleration pre-incubation phase, on January 24, 2018. In their presentations, start-ups presented the progress in development of their innovative projects (business plans, past achievements as well as their plans for the future) to the jury. (show more)
On January 17, 2018, representatives of Rzeszow University of Technology in Poland (dr. hab. Inž. Grzegorz Maslowski, prof. PRz – Vice-Rector for Education, dr. hab. Inž. Andrzej Trytek, PRz – Vice-Dean for Research and mgr. Ewa Kaczan-Winiarska – officer of the Department of International Cooperation) visited our university. (show more)