Cross-border Discussion Forum: The Future of Europe and Youth
2017MEPs Monika Smolková and György Schöpflin discussed with students the future of the EU within the Erasmus+ 30th anniversary. (show more)
MEPs Monika Smolková and György Schöpflin discussed with students the future of the EU within the Erasmus+ 30th anniversary. (show more)
On November 7 2017 Technical University in Košice (TUKE) in collaboration with the main partner of the competition, Slovak Business Agency (SBA), organized the final of round 6 of competition of innovative ideas. (show more)
Representatives of the European Commission in Slovakia in collaboration with Technical University in Košice organized during Open Day at TUKE a discussion about the future of European Union. (show more)
Also this year, on October 24, the Open Day at Technical University in Košice has drawn thousands of high school students. Not even inclement weather has discouraged those interested from personal visit to the university premises and labs. (show more)
On Thursday, October 19, 2017 at 4pm a motivational lecture took place at Technical University in Košice by the most successful Czech manager Jan Mühlfeit. (show more)
Twelfth annual job fair “Careers Day at Technical University in Košice” was organized under the auspices of the university in collaboration with information center iCUBE TUKE. CNL laboratory took care of the online transmission of running presentations for future generations. (show more)
After a successful pilot year, the unique TU-KART kart competition returned to the grounds of Technical University of Košice. (show more)
On October 9, 2017, a meeting of major European Network of academic and industrial research institutions - HiPEAC European Network on High Performance and Embedded Architecture and Compilation ( with the representatives and researchers of TUKE, UPJŠ (Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice) and selected partner institutions was held in the Rector´s Office meeting room. (show more)
Representatives of Jaguar Land Rover (JLR) discussed the possibilities of cooperation on June 27, 2017 at the Technical University of Košice (TUKE). (show more)
Návštevou svojej Alma Mater Technickej univerzity v Košiciach ukončil pracovný týždeň podpredseda vlády Slovenskej republiky pre investície a informatizáciu Ing. Peter Pellegrini. (show more)