Appointment of the Rector of TUKE
On Wednesday 16 August 2023, the President of the Slovak Republic, H.E. Zuzana Čaputová, appointed two rectors of universities.
The Electoral Assembly, comprising the members of the Academic Senate of the Technical University of Košice and the members of the Administrative Board of the Technical University of Košice, which took place on 15 May 2023, elected by secret ballot with all votes Prof. Ing. Petr MÉSÁROŠ, PhD., as a candidate for Rector of the Technical University of Košice.
After being confirmed by the Minister of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic
Prof. Ing. Peter MÉSÁROŠ, PhD
was appointed by the President of the Slovak Republic to the post of Rector of TUKE for the period 2023 – 2027.
“I congratulate Professor Peter Mésároš and Associate Professor Marek Storoš, whom I have appointed today as Rectors of the Technical University of Košice and the ISM University of International Business in Prešov.
It is necessary for them to take up the challenges posed by the 21st century to science and education in their schools. At the same time, I expect them to make a significant contribution to changes for the better. Universities must not only impart knowledge to students, but also lead them towards humanism and ethics. And that along with knowledge, we also succeed in cultivating respect and reverence for it,” said the President after the appointment ceremony.