TUKE cooperation with the Cyber Security Competence and Certification Center
On November 22, 2021, Memorandum of Cooperation was signed by prof. Ing. Stanislav Kmeť, DrSc, Rector of TUKE and Ing. Ivan Makatura, Director General of the Cyber Security Competence and Certification Center.
By signing the MoC, the partners confirmed their interest in cooperating in the fields of cyber security with a focus on ICT research with an aim to strengthen the protection, resilience and sustainability of critical and civil infrastructure, and the development of new products, resources and services, research technologies and processes to protect systems, networks, applications, accounts and data from cyberattacks.
The aim of the cooperation also includes activities in the areas of preparation of accreditation of study programs and educational activities in the field of cyber security, forensic analysis of digital footprints and information management, support of digital transformation of small and medium‑size enterprises and public institutions, with emphasis on cyber security and information protection, within the concept of digital innovation hubs and education, awareness raising and raising the level of digital literacy in cyber and information security and information protection. In order to strengthen and support cooperation, the parties to the Memorandum will provide each other with professional information, access to new knowledge and systems as well as consultations and create conditions for preparing students for the labour market, especially in the form of short‑term internships for University students at the Competence Center.
The partners are also interested in cooperating in the preparation and implementation of projects under domestic and European grant schemes and programs focused on cyber security.
The Cyber Security Competence and Certification Center is a state‑subsidised organization established by the National Security Authority pursuant to Article 21 of Act No. 523/2004 Coll. on Financial Regulation in Public Administration and on the Change and Supplement to Some Acts as amended. The basic mission of the Competence Center is to assist in the public interest in fulfilling the professional tasks of the founder in the field of cyber security, protection of classified information, cryptographic protection and trust services.