Opening ceremony of the SjF and SvF TUKE laboratory centres

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Opening ceremony of the SjF and SvF TUKE laboratory centres

20 November 2018 was an exceptional day for the Technical University of Košice due to the opening ceremony of the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Faculty of Mechanical Engineering laboratory centres in the presence of Richard Raši, the Deputy Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic, and Stanislav Kmeť, the Rector of TUKE.

As Richard Raši, the Deputy Prime Minister for Investment and Informatization said, both centres will bring higher-quality materials to the market and link research, development and production with practice. According to Raši, both laboratories will increase the credit of the university and its position in the ranking list of the universities. “Many times, business sector representatives have complained that a lot of ideas and innovations are being developed in our country but there is no interconnection with practice. Today, we have seen that final recipients are also involved in the local research and development, and that our academic institutions are able to produce what our practice needs, what is innovative and can make our economy more competitive,” he concluded.

According to the Rector of TUKE, “all this equipment is for young people, for ambitious young scientists who can make their dreams come true here.”

The Prototype and Innovation Centre (PaIC) of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering TUKE

The establishment of the PaIC is a response to an agreed Research and Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialisation of the Slovak Republic (RIS3 SK) which should contribute to the improvement of research and development in Slovakia, in particular to engage more actively in entrepreneurship research and to change the focus of the research to activities the results of which would be applicable in economic and social practice.

The Centre, as a part of the “University Science Park TECHNICOM for Innovation Applications with the Support of Knowledge Technology” project, was built in two stages; the first stage was implemented in two phases. The first one between 2014 and 2016 with the cost of €1,623,000 and the second one focusing solely on equipping the Centre with implements and appurtenances in the amount of €90,000 in 2017.

The second stage was realized in 2017 and 2018, and solely from the resources of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering TUKE (SjF TUKE). This stage has made it possible to complement the structure and space for carrying out more extensive research and development tasks.

In the area of material equipment, it is the most modern production technology, the structure of which is also suitable for extremely accurate toolmaking. It is located in the new premises which are positively influencing the resulting accuracy and overall quality of production.

In the Centre, there is a deeper interconnection of research activities and practice. Its goal is to materialise the ideas of the SjF TUKE creative workers, which were published in major scientific monographs, in current content publications, patents and utility models. This is an exceptional example of the fulfilment of the research-development-production chain, while the result of the research is directly a prototype output of the research project with verification of its function.

Technology and instrumentation in the Centre:

  • welding unit MASTERTIG 2300,
  • CNC turning and milling centre DMG MORI ecoTurn 510,
  • 3-axis milling machine DMG MORI / 635 ecoline,
  • 5-axis milling machine DMG MORI / ecoMill 50,
  • laser CNC cutting machine TruLaser Cell 3000,
  • CNC wire cutter AccuteX AU-500i,
  • hydraulic press brake CNC PPEC-6 35/15,
  • guillotine shears CS 06/31,
  • flat-surface grinding machine HFS 4080 C,
  • drilling station SSB 50F Super,
  • band saw ABS 320 B.

The construction of the Prototype and Innovation Centre gives a completely new quality to the project outputs of students and teachers, fully comparable to the outputs of the top European workplaces, and contributes to strengthening the reputation of the whole university.

The Laboratory of Excellent Research of the Faculty of Civil Engineering TUKE

The Laboratory of Excellent Research was built in two stages. The first stage was part of the INFRA II university project and “The Support of the Centre of Excellent Integrated Research Centre of Advanced Building Structures, Materials and Technologies” and “The Centre of Excellent Research of Advanced Building Structures, Materials and Technologies” projects.

From these projects, the building works on the Laboratory of Excellent Research of the Faculty of Civil Engineering TUKE and a substantial part of the technological equipment of the laboratory were carried out. In the second stage, which was part of the extensive “University Science Park TECHNICOM for Innovation Applications with the Support of Knowledge Technology” project, the research centre was completed with other modern technological facilities enabling the realization of excellent research in the field of civil engineering. In both stages, the Faculty´s own resources of more than €200,000 were used as well.

The portfolio of the Laboratory of Excellent Research is designed in a way to address technologies, which create environmentally friendly, more efficient constructions and constructions which are cost-effective for operation. The Laboratory of Excellent Research is an integrated workplace for the implementation of experimental research in all areas in which the Faculty has accredited study programmes, for carrying out tests of building materials, components, structures and technologies. At the same time, it participates in the educational and research activities of the individual departments of the Faculty.

The laboratory is equipped with the cutting-edge testing equipment and devices:

  • equipment for breaking tests of real size elements up to 18 m in size,
  • pulsator equipment INSTRON ±2500 kN,pulsator equipment INOVA ±160 kN, ±250 kN, ±400 kN, ±630 kN,
  • tensegrity cells,
  • complex technological equipment for testing in the field of transport engineering,
  • complex technological equipment for testing of building materials,
  • smart house with central management and measurement,
  • solar collectors.

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Opening ceremony of the SjF and SvF TUKE laboratory centres

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