A Visit
Technical University of Košice was visited by the Head of the Office for Spatial Planning and Construction of the Slovak Republic (ÚÚPaV SR) Ing. Martin Hypký together with his delegation which was enriched by the foreign visitor Professor Jason Pomeroy. Jason Pomeroy is an award-winning architect, academic, author and television presenter, considered one of the world leaders in sustainable design.
The visit was opened by Prof. Pomeroy with a very interesting and practical lecture for the students of our university in the Volkswagen Auditorium. After the lecture, an enriching discussion developed on the topic of “Smart Cities” and on the current cooperation with TUKE on the “Proof of Concept (PoC)” project.
Finally, a meeting of representatives of TUKE, ÚÚPaV SR and experts participating in the PoC project took place in the large meeting room of the TUKE Rectorate, where the responsible researchers for individual activities PoC 1 – 6 presented their vision of the project's objectives in the field.