The Minister of Investments, Regional Development and Informatization Signed a Memorandum with the Technical University of Košice
Košice, November 25, 2022 – We involve science, innovation and the potential of our universities in improving the functioning of state and public administration. The Ministry of Investments, Regional Development and Informatization of the Slovak Republic (MIRDI SR) will sign memorandums on cooperation with leading Slovak universities. The first of them is the Technical University of Košice. The memorandum on cooperation with this prestigious university was signed by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Investments Veronika Remišová.
"Investments and support of quality education are a fundamental prerequisite for the success of Slovakia. Unfortunately, the previous governments failed to fully utilize the potential that the academic community and the professional and research capacities of our universities can offer for the benefit of the state. We decided to change that. We have the ambition to obtain the best experts for the state and to enable students of our leading universities to gain the necessary experience and practice, to motivate them to then develop their knowledge professionally at home, for the benefit of Slovakia. That is why we are developing cooperation with our top universities. Today, I have signed a framework memorandum with the Technical University of Košice, and in a few days, on behalf of our Ministry of Investments, Regional Development and Informatization, we will sign memorandums on cooperation with three other leading universities - the University of Economics, the Slovak Technical University and the Comenius University in Bratislava," stated the Minister Veronika Remišová.
The memorandum on cooperation between MIRDI SR and the Technical University of Košice (TUKE) was signed by the Deputy Prime Minister Remišová during her visit to the University of Košice. She visited the university together with the Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms of the European Commission, Elisa Ferreira, and the Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights, Nicolas Schmit, at the end of the two-day working program of the Slovakia Program conference.
On the basis of the memorandums with universities, the specialist sections of the Ministry of Investments will involve students and experts from the academic environment in state projects in the areas of European funds, innovation, state IT and regional development. "Our goal is for the best people to work for the state. And we want to give gifted students a chance to gain unique knowledge and experience that only state projects offer," said Remišová.
One of the areas of unique cooperation between MIRDI SR and universities is, for example, the building of intelligent regions and cities, also in connection with climate change and the development of state IT and cyber security.
"Innovation and new technologies are, and increasingly will be, the driving force behind the development of the Slovak economy. They are crucial for Slovakia's prosperity and better future, because only dynamic, innovative industries will give people in the regions perspective and jobs with high added value and better salaries. I am very pleased that right here, on the grounds of the Technical University of Košice, is the centre of the innovation ecosystem of the entire region with nationwide reach - namely the Technicom University Science Park. Its part, the start-up centre, which supports small and medium-sized hi-tech companies, is an example of how the results of research and innovation can be transferred from university to the development of the business environment. The Mechanical Engineering Faculty of the Technical University of Košice also participated in the creation of the first Slovak hydrogen car and is developing other hydrogen technologies, thanks to which Slovakia keeps up with global innovation trends," added the Deputy Prime Minister Remišová.