Open Day at TUKE
Also this year, on October 24, the Open Day at Technical University in Košice has drawn thousands of high school students. Not even inclement weather has discouraged those interested from personal visit to the university premises and labs.
In view of this year’s being the 65th anniversary of TUKE’s founding, the theme of this year was the slogan “65 years of expanding and disseminating knowledge” . The event went under the auspices of Representatives of the European Commission in Slovakia and the general partner was Slovenský plynárenský priemysel, a.s. (Slovak Gas Industry).
Official start of Open Day at TUKE 2017 was in the premises of Aula Maxima. Visitors were greeted by rector Prof. Stanislav Kmeť who outlined in several ways the current position of the university in the european environment and spoke about the possibilities of not only studies and mobilities but mainly the support for creativity and innovative ideas for which there is available all the necessary background at TUKE.
European dimension of education at TUKE and confirmation of correct decision to take up technical sciences was presented by head of Representatives of the European Commission in Slovakia and former TUKE graduate Mr. Dušan Chrenek. His words were subsequently amplified by the representative of general partner SPP, a.s. and director of commercial market and communities division Mr. Erich Gaďo. He presented an ever increasing demand for TUKE graduates who could find realization in exactly the gas industry.
Individual TUKE faculties were introduced by their deans in short speeches. It was these presentations that started off a sequence of promotional activities and demonstrations concentrated in the premises of university library and selected excellent university labs.