
Centre for Social and Psychological Support

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Centre for Social and Psychological Support

News About Us What we help with Useful links

The Centre for Social and Psychological Support is a special-purpose facility of the Technical University of Košice with a university-wide scope of activity.

It provides:

  • psychological, social and career counselling,

  • counselling in the field of adverse psycho-social situation due to the threat of social exclusion (e.g. due to the origin from a disadvantaged background, discrimination based on gender, gender, nationality, age and other diversity),

  • first-contact counselling on sexual harassment and gender-based violence,

  • information and counselling activities,

  • crisis intervention,

  • educational activities in the field of social skills and personal development,

  • primary prevention of socio-pathological phenomena (e.g. substance and non-substance addictions, sexual harassment, etc.),

  • the development of peer-to-peer support groups at the University.

The Centre collaborates with those providing services in the Accessibility Centre, members of the tutoring system, the Student Information Centre and other relevant parts of the University for the work of the Centre. It also cooperates with non-university domestic and international partners in accordance with its mission and activities, in particular with institutions in the field of counselling and support services.

Counselling is provided free of charge and in confidence, with confidentiality. Personal information is not disclosed to third parties inside or outside the University.


Vysokoškolská 4, 2. p, č.d. 258
WhatsApp/sms/telefón: Tel.: +421 905 754 550

Social networks:

Facebook Centrum sociálno-psychologickej podpory TUKE
Instagram @cspp_tuke

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