Friendly meeting with representatives of the city of Wuppertal

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Friendly meeting with representatives of the city of Wuppertal

The program of official visits between the city of Košice and its partner city Wuppertal included a friendly meeting with representatives of the city of Wuppertal, whose delegation was led by its mayor Andreas Mucke, and with the rector of Bergische Universitaet Wuppertal, Prof. Dr. Dr.h.c. Lambert Tobias Koch.

Those who participated actively in the discussions were the Rector of the Technical University of Košice, Dr.h.c. prof. Ing. Stanislav Kmeť, CSc., the Vice-Rector for International Relations and Mobility, Associate Prof. Ing. Radovan Hudak, PhD., the Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Associate Prof. Ing. Michal Šoltés, PhD., and Dr. h. c. Prof. Ing. Juraj Sinay, DrSc., in order to certify and strengthen the long-standing relationship between the cities and their universities.

One of the topics was the issue of synergy between the city, its university and their joint initiatives aspiring to promote the process of education and science in the region concerned. They also discussed joint projects and activities to promote the mobility of students and teachers.

Friendly meeting with representatives of the city of Wuppertal

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